Friday, June 17, 2011

The new POTC fails to impress.....

It took almost a month for me, an ardent fan of Johnny Depp; to watch POTC 4 due to my work commitments. The expectations were immense, mainly due to the gap between the previous movie, the 3-D release, cachy trailers and new starcasts....but was gravely dissapointed.

Johnny Depp was his usual self, but the responsibilty of carrying the whole movie on his shoulders was evident in many scenes. Goeffrey Rush's character lacks intensity and reason. The new villian " Blackbeard" neither have the impact like Davvy Jones and Barbossa had in the earlier movies and also lacks in punchy dialogues that Cutler beckett had. Penelope Cruz did impress in a few scenes but stepping into Kiera's shoes was difficult. Well I was suddenly aware of Kiera's hold in the previous movies thanks to the "On stranger tides". I doubt if Jerry Beckheimmer will try for a sequel for this one and if he did, he needs to find a better script than this......